Go to the Registrar's website to download the forms you need.
If your form requires faculty or Department Chair signatures, please obtain signatures from faculty via email or during faculty office hours before submitting your form.
To submit your form for signature, please view the related tabs on this page and upload your form to the relevant Dropbox folder. Your form will be processed within 2-3 business days.
If you need additional assistance or have a question, you may contact:
Email: cbappundergrad@whtmy.com
Phone: (310) 243-3561
Office: II 1100 and 3400
The CSUDH campus Add/Drop Policy is noted on the Records and Registrations website. After students have reviewed this information and determined that they need to add or drop a course, CBAPP students may go to MyCSUDH to complete their add/drop online.
The Petition for Exception form can be found at the links below or on the Records and Registration Office webpage. College of Business Administration and Public Policy students, may follow the steps below to submit a Petition for Exception.
- Student downloads the Petition for Exception form from the Registrar's website (include the Change of Program: Add/Drop form if needed)
- Student reads the instructions on the form
- Student completes their portion of the form
- Student will obtain the Instructor and Department Chair signatures on the form if the student is requesting to Add a courses(s)
- Student should attach supporting documents as one file
- Student should upload the form with supporting documents to the College Dropbox link below in order to obtain the Dean's Office signature
Dropbox folder to submit Petition for Exception form for signature
Need a Dean's signature on your Petition for Exception form? If so, complete your form following the instructions above, then click the button below to upload your form with supporting documentation attached as one file. A staff member will review your form and request the Associate Dean's signature. Please allow up to 2-3 business days for processing.
Student Academic Petitions Appeals Committee (SAPAC)
The SAPAC committee reviews students' petitions the third Tuesday of each month during the spring and fall semesters. Typically in January there is no meeting. Once the committee has met, it takes about two weeks for processing and students are then notified by mail with the results.
Grade Appeal Instructions for Business Administration, Criminal Justice Administration, and Public Administration Undergraduate Students
Grounds for Appealing a Grade
A grade appeal is permitted when a student can show clear evidence that a grade was contrary to procedures as specified in the course syllabus, was based on prejudice, was capricious, or was the result of computational or clerical error. The presumption is that the grades assigned are correct until there is a clear demonstration otherwise. The burden of proof is heavy, and it rests with the student who is appealing.
Grade Appeal Process
1. You must seek to resolve the matter informally with the instructor. For you to be able to proceed with a grade appeal, you must have met with the faculty member within the regular semester session of the time you knew or should have known of the problem or dispute, unless there is a prior agreement for extension between you and the Department Chair.
It is best to submit your grade appeal request to the instructor via email. The email subject should be “Grade Appeal”. In the body of the email, make sure to include the following:
- Your name as it is listed on the class roster
- The course number, including section
- A detailed description of why you believe you received a grade you did not deserve.
2. If an informal resolution with the instructor is not possible, students are advised to go to the Department Chair for further resolution. Please view the list of Department Chairs below and send them an email with your request.
- Dr. Jose Martinez, Accounting, Finance, and Economics Department
- Dr. Myron Sheu, Information Systems and Operations Management
- Dr. Sari Silvanto, Management and Marketing Department
- Dr. Elena Kulikov, Department of Public Administration
3. If the matter is not worked out informally within 15 classroom days to the satisfaction of the parties, you or your representative may send the grade appeal form via email to the Associate Dean at tshabbir@whtmy.com.
Include in your typed statement:
- Download and complete the GRADE APPEALS FORM
- Attach a clear statement of the details of the appeal
- What specific action you are requesting of the University; and
- Arguments to support your request or supporting documentation
If you are unable to email your request, you may mail it to the address below:
Dr. Tayyeb Shabbir
Associate Dean
College of Business Administration & Public Policy
1000 E. Victoria Street, II 4200
Carson, CA 90747
4. Upon review of the grade appeal, Associate Dean Shabbir will convene with the faculty member and Department Chair and collect their statements. If after 15 classroom days has passed and a resolution is not satisfactory to all parties, the appeal will be forwarded to Student Grade Appeals Board Chair.
Chair of the Grade Appeals Committee
Provost’s Office, WH 440, (310) 243-3307
Students who need to submit graduation-related forms to their major advisor, should download the form from the Registrar's website, complete the form, then upload it to our secure Dropbox folder by clicking the button below. Please allow up to 2-3 business days for processing.
Click button below to submit your form for processing:
Students who need to request a course repetition or need to request an exception to exceed the unit limits, may download and complete the Exception to Academic Policy for Repetition of Courses Form, then upload the form to our secure Dropbox folder by clicking the button below. Please allow up to 2-3 business days for processing.
Click button below to submit your form for processing: